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The Aging Smile: Which Cosmetic Treatments Can Turn Back the Clock?

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 2:43 am
an older woman showing off her smile

The kind of smile a person sees in the mirror each day may leave them feeling unhappy with their appearance. This is especially true for those who are mature in age, as tooth discoloration, gum recession, and shifting teeth tend to become more visible. Why do these dental changes occur in older adulthood? Can anything be done to improve teeth during one’s golden years? Continue reading to discover how cosmetic dentistry can be an impactful way to see life-changing results.

What Causes the Smile to Change Over Time?

Teeth are always changing. Whether it is the switch from primary to permanent teeth among children or wear and tear throughout adulthood that causes them to lose their vibrancy, a smile can look drastically different once a person reaches their 60s, 70s, or 80s.

Unhealthy habits that include years of smoking, consuming one’s morning coffee day after day, and stressful workloads that cause grinding and clenching can take their toll. As a result, a person’s smile may look worn and yellow as they grow older.

Some of the most common changes an older person’s smile might experience include:

  • Muscle Loss That Leads to Shifting Teeth – A loss of skin elasticity and muscle mass in the face can cause teeth to sustain additional pressure, resulting in a shift that sends them out of alignment.
  • Thinner & Weaker Tooth Enamel – Daily wear and tear can cause teeth to experience small fractures that may worsen with age. As teeth become thinner, this increases the risk of additional damage.
  • Discolored Teeth – Morning coffee habits can be to blame for tooth discoloration. Those that appear yellow, though, are often the result of thinning enamel that exposes the dentin layer.
  • Gum Recession – Similar to tooth enamel, gums also grow thin. These soft tissues can recede, increasing the risk of gum disease and cavities.

Are There Cosmetic Services That Can Help?

Yes, cosmetic dentistry can be used to address many of the changes an older person’s smile might experience. A thorough consultation with a skilled dentist is necessary, as certain treatments may be more beneficial and effective than others. However, once a treatment plan is established, the results can be life-changing.

A cosmetic dentist might recommend one or more of the following services:

  • Porcelain Veneers – Thin sheaths are applied to the front surfaces of teeth to hide stains, chips, cracks, and more, giving a patient a completely transformed appearance.
  • Metal-Free Dental Restorations – Teeth affected by tooth decay or damage can be protected with metal-free dental restorations. Natural-looking in appearance, they offer stability and function as well as a beautiful aesthetic.
  • Teeth Whitening – Eliminating stains on the surface and below the enamel can be possible with professional teeth whitening. A dentist will use professional-strength bleaching gel to remove discoloration and produce a healthier, brighter smile.
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding – Minor fractures or chips can be treated with cosmetic dental bonding. Using composite resin that is matched to blend in with a person’s existing smile, it is sculpted onto the enamel to hide the imperfection and produce a flawless set of teeth.

Although a person cannot stop the aging process, a dentist can take steps to address the effects that normally occur to one’s smile as they grow older. With the help of cosmetic dentistry, teeth can appear vibrant and young once again – a feeling that is simply priceless.

About Grand Dental – Franklin Park
At Grand Dental – Franklin Park, our dental experts often collaborate to produce the best results for our patients. When an older person arrives with a smile they’re unhappy with, we can recommend cosmetic dental treatments to change the way they look and feel. Whether it is stains, dental damage, wear and tear, or misalignment, we have a solution that will provide beautiful results. If you want to enjoy your golden years with a smile you can be confident showing off, visit our website or call (847) 860-7093.