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Are Seniors More Prone to Gum Disease?

June 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 2:43 pm
older man with gum disease

While it is true that gum disease affects millions of adults in the U.S. each year, a majority of individuals who suffer are 60 years and older. If this realization is causing you to worry about the status of your smile, you may wonder what risk factors are commonly tied to periodontal disease as well as what you can do to avoid becoming a statistic. Read on to find out what a dentist says about keeping your gums disease-free as you age.


Can Veneers Help to Fix Short Teeth?

May 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 9:16 pm
woman with short teeth

Living with a gummy smile or what appears to be “short,” “stubby” teeth can lead to a lack of self-confidence, causing you to feel embarrassed by your smile. It might seem as if there is no clear solution to address this issue, but many dentists offer veneers as a way to elongate teeth. Learn how these customized restorations can fix short teeth and get you on your way to feeling better about your appearance.


Why You Won’t Regret Getting a Root Canal

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 3:27 pm
patient undergoing a root canal

When an infection or serious damage reaches the innermost layer of a tooth, the pain can often be debilitating. Learning a root canal is the only way to treat the problem may not be what most patients want to hear; however, if it is a means to save the tooth from extraction, it’s worth the time and money. For anyone who is concerned that they might regret getting a root canal, read on to find out why this procedure possesses many great benefits.


3 Reasons Not to Be Embarrassed by Dental Implants

March 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 6:42 pm
woman with dental implant

No one ever intends to lose one or more of their teeth. The thought of suffering from tooth loss at any point can seem worrisome and even frightening. But for many, needing artificial teeth can cause feelings of low self-esteem and shame. The reality is that undergoing restorative care to improve one’s smile is a positive and worthwhile venture. In fact, here are three reasons not to be embarrassed by dental implants.


3 Things to Know When Preparing for Braces as an Adult

February 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 9:42 pm
adult female with braces

Adults often think that traditional metal braces are only designed for teenagers. While it is most common to see younger individuals wearing these kinds of orthodontics, they are a viable option for patients of all ages. However, those who are over the age of 20 might feel as if they are too old to receive treatment with the help of metal brackets and wires. This is simply not true. If straighter teeth are the ultimate goal, a dentist is here to share three things patients should know when getting braces as an adult.


Healthy Smiles in 2023: 3 Stocking Stuffer Ideas

December 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 7:40 pm
Christmas stockings

With the holidays quickly approaching, it’s time to consider what items will grace the inside of stockings this year. While most people turn to candy and tiny trinkets, there is always the option of choosing healthier, smile-friendly gifts. To help loved ones embrace a cavity-free smile, here are three options for stocking stuffers this season.


3 Tips to Ensure Healthy Smiles This Season

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 4:33 pm
family celebrating Thanksgiving

Many patients worry that achieving optimal holiday oral health is impossible. With so many foods donning tables across the country, it can be hard saying no to some of the most delicious once-a-year treats. But to avoid cavities, gum disease, and other potentially damaging problems, it may be necessary to limit consumption. Here are three tips that can be used to ensure a healthier smile this holiday season. 


Dental Insurance 101: The Breakdown of Coverage

October 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 4:23 pm
man researching dental insurance for a breakdown of coverage

For many patients, dental insurance can be tricky to understand. The verbiage used and the breakdown of benefits can often make anyone frustrated, but there’s help! Most dental practices have an expert to assist patients, answering questions and dealing with concerns on the financial side of dentistry. But you don’t have to start with them from scratch. Here is an explanation of how coverage breakdown works for most insurance companies.


4 Ways to Maintain Veneers and Prevent Cavities

September 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 4:00 pm
woman with veneers

Maintaining your veneers doesn’t have to be a difficult task, but it is essential that teeth remain void of cavities. Because only a small covering fits over the front surfaces of teeth, the underlying structure remains vulnerable to tooth decay. Discover four ways to better care for new veneers so that they will look more beautiful while also lasting longer.


4 Back-to-School Tips for Invisalign Teen

August 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — grandfranklin @ 7:21 pm
Young man holding Invisalign Teen in Franklin Park

Invisalign Teen is an excellent option that will help image-conscious teenagers feel more confident about their treatment. Not only are the aligners virtually invisible when worn, but they are also removable for maximum convenience and easy care. Removable aligners offer teenagers a great deal of freedom and flexibility, but they also come with a lot of responsibility. To ensure your teen stays on track for their treatment timeline, here are four easy back-to-school tips.  

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