There are many different tooth replacement solutions available on the market these days. At Grand Dental - Franklin Park, however, we believe in providing our patients with time-tested, fully reliable prosthetics that are designed to change the way a smile functions and feels. With dentures in Franklin Park, individuals can once again feel confident in their appearances as well as eat, speak, and smile with greater ease. Contact our office to schedule an appointment and learn more about dentures.
Determining whether a patient is a good candidate for dentures requires a consultation with a member of our Grand Dental – Franklin Park team. While most people can receive customized dentures to replace their missing teeth, there are factors that we will first consider before moving forward. If multiple teeth are missing or an entire arch, there is a good chance that treatment will be provided. Before scheduling an appointment with our team, review the factors that will be considered during an appointment to learn more.
Missing teeth do more than negatively affect a person’s physical appearance and self-confidence. They also inhibit an individual’s ability to eat nutrient-rich foods, speak clearly, and live life to the fullest. Trying to enjoy a meal with friends or family is virtually impossible because of how challenging it can be to chew and bite down on dense meats and vegetables. Instead, many patients must have their food pureed or cut up into small pieces so that chewing is not required.
Without a full set of teeth, malnutrition can become a real risk as well as depression and a lack of desire to do many things.
To be a qualified candidate for dentures, patients must have good general oral and overall health. This means no signs of tooth decay or gum disease. If found, appropriate preliminary treatments must be administered first. We will either need to extract decaying teeth or provide periodontal therapy to eradicate bad oral bacteria.
However, if individuals are in good general oral health and are missing an entire arch of teeth, dentures can be a worthwhile investment. If only a few teeth are missing, though, it is possible that a dental bridge might be a better solution. The decision will ultimately be determined by the patient and our dentist in Franklin Park.
Although dentures are known for their proven record in rebuilding smiles, there are other options available, including:
Learning how dentures are made not only gives you a clearer understanding of what goes in to making your new set of teeth, but it also gives you a deeper appreciation for them. As custom-made prosthetics that restore aesthetics and functionality, it can be interesting to learn how these uniquely designed creations go from impressions to natural-looking, beautiful teeth.
There are two parts that all dentures consist of - the base and the artificial teeth.
Creating full and partial dentures requires a multi-step process. What begins with impressions taken of a person's smile and measurements of the jaw then turns into lab technicians creating a wax model of a person's dentures. An articulator is then used to place each artificial tooth onto the base.
The wax model created by technicians is then shaped to look like a person's gums before they are placed into a flask that is filled with plaster. This creates the shape of the denture. The wax is then melted once the flask is placed in hot water. The wax is replaced with an acrylic material before the plaster is removed. After the dentures are placed in an ultrasonic bath, the technicians remove any excess acrylic.
The final stage is for the prosthetics to be polished before they are sent to our dental office for a final fitting.
While it would be nice to simply begin wearing dentures and experience no issues, the reality is that it does take some time to get used to wearing these prosthetics. Not only will a person's tongue, cheeks, and lips need to become accustomed to them over time, but speaking and eating may prove slightly challenging in the beginning.
To avoid a prolonged adjustment phase, a person can practice speaking slowly in front of a mirror or reading aloud to help make certain sounds and words easier to say. Also, eating softer foods initially can help alleviate some of the discomfort and awkwardness of chewing. As time passes, and eating becomes easier, denser, solid foods can be incorporated.
Patients who are missing multiples or all of their teeth will learn there are three unique styles of dentures, including:
Partial dentures consist of artificial teeth that are affixed to a gum-colored, acrylic base. Working much like a puzzle piece, it is held into place with metal clasps that connect to natural, healthy teeth. When put into place, it fills in the gaps and provides a fully functional, complete smile.
Full dentures are more widely known because of their use throughout the centuries. Although the materials used to create them have changed, they remain highly effective in giving patients back their full, complete smiles. With artificial teeth attached to an acrylic, gum-colored base, these prosthetics are held in place with natural suction, with patients often using a denture adhesive for added security.
Unlike their traditional counterparts, implant dentures do not require the use of natural teeth to remain in place. Instead, these titanium posts mimic the natural teeth roots and are surgically placed inside a person’s jawbone. After several months, the implants and bone fuse to create a solid foundation that supports the customized denture that is secured on top.
Dentures offer an array of benefits that you may not expect. As a trusted and proven effective form of tooth replacement, our patients at Grand Dental – Franklin Park can look forward to living life without the fear of embarrassment or uncertainty. With dentures, you will feel brand-new when you look in the mirror, giving you greater confidence so that you can pursue the personal and professional dreams you’ve always wanted. Keep reading below to discover how else your new smile can benefit you:
Dentures give you the ability to enjoy a younger-looking appearance because of how dentures fill out sagging facial features. This improvement in your physical appearance can positively impact your psychological health by helping you to think happier thoughts and be reminded of how beautiful and natural your smile looks. With a new aesthetic, you’ll find yourself being more kind to yourself and open with others.
After completing the adjustment phase of new dentures, you’ll discover that your speech drastically improves. You’ll be able to speak clearly when giving a presentation at work, making a speech at your local civic club, talking with teachers at your child’s school, and calling to speak with your mom or dad over the phone. Being able to talk without a lisp or other similar impediments will help to boost your confidence in the long run.
You can eat nutrient-rich foods that allow for greater oral and overall health. When equipped with a full set of teeth, you will be able to bite down on various foods that make it easier to maintain a healthy weight. You will no longer miss out on necessary nutrients; instead, you’ll get to enjoy meals with family and friends – an experience that once left you fearful. Now, you can eat with confidence knowing that your teeth will remain in place.
Dentures may not consist of real teeth, but they can help you to enjoy better oral health. Not only do they fill out your facial structure, but they keep any natural teeth firmly in place, alleviating the concern of dental drift. This reduces your chances of requiring orthodontic treatment later on to fix any shifting teeth that fell out of alignment. Also, no matter which type of denture you receive, you’ll be more likely to take better care of your prosthetics over time because of how they look and make you feel.
Whether you’re a young adult or a senior who is venturing out into the dating world, having a full set of teeth will work to your advantage. Partial, full, or implant prosthetics do not matter when it comes to making a good first impression. The same can be said if you are looking to climb the corporate ladder by seeking a promotion. Having a healthier, more beautiful smile can play a part in whether you stay where you’re at or advance in your career.
When it comes to choosing dentures to replace missing teeth, there are many facets to consider. From the process of receiving new teeth to learning what life will be like when eating, speaking, and smiling with custom prosthetics, one of the most sought-after answers concerns the cost of dentures in Franklin Park. Because no two patients are the same, it requires a scheduled consultation to receive a personalized estimate for treatment.
The meeting that occurs with a member of our Grand Dental – Franklin Park team will consist of a thorough examination that incorporates various factors associated with price. These include:
It is natural for patients to seek out cheaper alternatives, but the potential pitfall that can occur is a reduced lifespan of the prosthetic. When less expensive materials are used, it typically means the dentures will not last nearly as long, resulting in more frequent replacements.
It is true that implant dentures are more expensive, but it is for good reason. Not only do these titanium posts mimic natural tooth roots, but they are also capable of lasting 30+ years with proper care. They are surgically implanted into the jawbone and fuse over a span of several months. This creates a firm foundation for the customized restoration that is secured to the top. A unique denture is fabricated by lab technicians and can be affixed or removable depending on the patient’s preference.
Most dental insurance companies will agree to cover up to 50% of dentures in Franklin Park. Because it is deemed a major restorative service, in most cases, there is a good chance that patients who are in-network will receive substantial savings as long as they have met their deductible and have remaining funds that can be pulled from their annual maximum. A member of our team will be happy to review a person’s plan and determine what kind of coverage is available.
If private dental insurance is not something that a patient can afford, there are alternative ways to pay for denture treatment. A denture dentist in Franklin Park can recommend flexible financing through CareCredit, which breaks up the cost of care into manageable monthly payments, or an individual can enroll in our Grand Advantage Plan. This is an in-house membership plan that requires patients to pay one, low annual fee for access to preventive care as well as a 20% discount on all other available services.
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