Do you chronically snore every night, waking up your partner or roommate? Sleeping disorders may seem harmless, but they can have a serious impact on your overall wellbeing when they’re not treated. The most common form of sleep apnea, called obstructive sleep apnea, is said to impact two to nine percent of the population. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of sleep apnea, which we’ve listed below, contact our dental office so we can help find a sleep apnea treatment in our Franklin Park, IL dental office to correct the issue and improve your health.
Yes, sleep apnea interrupts your sleep, which can leave you feeling fatigued, but it also impacts the amount of oxygen that’s able to get to your brain. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in your throat will intermittently relax throughout the night, blocking your airways and creating “episodes” where you temporarily stop breathing. This can cause you to wake up gasping for breath throughout the night and prevent you from reaching deep sleep.
Over time, the lack of oxygen and quality rest will take a toll on your body, causing a variety of health conditions, such as:
In order to get the treatment you need, be sure to keep an eye out for any of the following symptoms:
If you or your sleep partner is experiencing any of these signs, please call us or visit a professional for a sleep study. Once you’ve been diagnosed, you can visit us for a consultation so we can help treat your condition.
Our team at Grand Dental in Franklin Park will work closely with your primary care physician to obtain a sleep study and develop a customized treatment plan. A CPAP machine may be suggested to you to help keep your airways open and ensure that you’re receiving enough oxygen. Some people have difficulty using this device because it’s loud and requires you to sleep with a nose mask on, which can be uncomfortable. As an alternative, we offer customized sleep apnea devices that fit in your mouth like a nightguard to help open your airways to ensure optimal oxygen flow.