Life without a complete set of teeth poses significant problems. Having substantial bite force, being able to speak without slurring, and feeling confident enough to smile around others may feel unattainable, but the truth is that with implant dentures in Franklin Park, a better quality of life is achievable. At Grand Dental - Franklin Park, we make it easy to look ahead and prepare for a future with a full smile, so call us today to schedule a consultation and get started.
Known for their superiority, implant dentures have gained a reputation as being the gold standard of tooth replacement. As the premier method of treatment that is capable of restoring the complete root-to-crown structure, implant dentures offer patients a longer-lasting solution that carries a lifespan of 30+ years.
When meeting with an implant dentist, patients will discover the different types of dentures that are available, such as:
This method of treatment is affixed to the implant posts, so it cannot be removed by anyone other than a skilled implant dentist. Known as a hybrid denture, it requires 4-6 implant posts and substantial jawbone density to remain in place. If a person lacks the proper amount of density in the jawbone, a bone graft must be completed first.
Patients who prefer teeth that can be removed but also offer a longer lifespan can enjoy removable implant dentures. These Snap-On dentures as they’re also called only need 2-5 implant posts. One great advantage is that bone grafting is not necessary, as only the densest part of the bone will be used. These prosthetics are held in place with a bar- or ball-retained device that makes it easy to remove and reinsert teeth.
Each person who receives implant dentures should not expect the same treatment plan, as every case is different. But the reality is that for these prosthetics to remain firmly in place, several steps must be followed, and they include:
Although it might seem as if implant dentures are not for everyone, the truth is that the real determinant is how much jawbone density a person has. However, even when only a small fraction exists, a removable implant denture can be created and put into place. Most individuals who are suffering from total tooth loss can expect to receive implant dentures even if it is not right away.
Combining dental implants and dentures to create a new method of tooth replacement is one of the most advantageous forms of treatment that exists. Many patients have found that:
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